Dienstag, 19. Juni 2007

man braucht keine liebe....

'I'd rather be hated for who i am,

than loved for who i'm not'

i've learnt that when something feels perfect, it's not going to last
when you think everythings great, its about to go wrong
when you believe in someone, they let you down
when you make a promise, they always break it
and when you give them your heart, they decide they dont want it
i've learnt that trusting people has just given them an excuse to hurt me
i was afraid of being left alone but i've realized now that its so much easier
what hurts the most is having so much, then ending up with nothing
i've learnt through experience and i've grown up so much
no matter how hard you try to understand, it wont ever happen
the things that go on in my head will only ever make sense to me.
i can figure people out so quickly and read them like a book even if we've never spoken.
i love how i can understand the people around me, and they'll never come close to knowing me.


Ich bin ein Mädchen, über das man Lieder schreiben sollte!


Name: Leonie - Rachel
Birthday: 19th March 1990
City: Vienna

♥personal note♥

wenn ich von dir träume
sehe ich uns auf einen abgrund liegen die sterne beobachten
und das meer hören wir wie es gegen die klippen kracht.
du gibst mir das vertrauen zu dieser welt.
ich nehm deine hand
wir gehn zum abgrund
durch dich kann ich fliegen
und wir fliegen hoch bis zu den sternen.
wo wir weiter leben bis in die unendlichkeit.



Juni 2007

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